Strategic. Engaging. AI-Driven. Video as the unbeatable medium for your business success.

Strategic. Engaging. AI-Driven. Video as the unbeatable medium for your business success.



As budget cuts hit business worldwide, “Deliver more with less” became the new imperative for CMOs and Internal Communication Managers. Does it sound familiar to you?   There is one way to do it: leveraging the only medium, which is strategic, ubiquitous, and smart – thanks to the latest AI developments. This medium is VIDEO.   In the last ten years, video evolved from being a trend into a must-have for successful organizations. In this masterclass you will learn how a well-established video strategy drives customer and employee engagement, generates pipeline, and finally increases the ROI of your business. We will show you how we helped other companies like yours to solve these challenges and deliver a positive impact to their digital transformation.
Session Language
Artificial IntelligenceSaas & PaaSVideo & Connected TV / Adressable TV
All SessionsMC 8A
movingimage EVP GmbH 081E017movingimage befähigt Unternehmen, einzigartige Video-Erlebnisse für ihre Audiences zu schaffen. Von der Kreation über das Hosting bis zur Distribution bietet movingimage einen One-Stop-Shop für alle Video-Anwendungen. Mit der cloudbasierten Lösung können Unternehmen jeglichen Video-Content effizient zentral verwalten und in bester Qualität auf jedes beliebige Endgerät streamen. Die Plattform fügt sich nahtlos in vorhandene IT-Landschaften für Content-, Digital-Asset- sowie Produktinformations-Management ein und gewährleistet höchste Sicherheitsstandards. Der DSGVO-konformen Lösung des Berliner Spezialisten vertrauen die größten Unternehmen im DACH-Raum seit über 15 Jahren.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ movingimage empowers companies to create value through video. From creation to hosting and distribution, movingimage offers a one-stop-shop for all video applications, live and on-demand. Its centralized cloud-based solution enables companies to manage all types of video content centrally and efficiently and stream it in superior quality on any end device, creating a unique video experience for their audience. The platform can be seamlessly integrated into existing IT environments for content, digital asset, and product information management and meets the most stringent security standards. The Berlin specialist’s GDPR-compliant solution has been trusted by the largest companies in the DACH region for over 15 years.

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