This change is freakin’ necessary! Hands-on tips for driving sustainable change.

This change is freakin’ necessary! Hands-on tips for driving sustainable change.

Center Stage


The only way for any business to survive in today´s ever-so-fast and changing world is to adapt. That is non-negotiable. Peter Drucker’s principle, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast," hits the nail on the head – without a culture where people can thrive, even the best strategies crumble. Scientific and empirical evidence suggests sustainable change demands a holistic approach. It’s not just about processes, organization, and operating model it is about attitude & mindset, behavior & skills, and culture & values. Many companies fail by focusing solely on processes, ignoring the human element. True success means placing people at the center of transformation efforts. This involves fostering high transparency, open communication, continuous feedback, innovation, self-organization, and a well-balanced work-life dynamic. In this session, you will learn firsthand tips on how to drive marketing transformation while maintaining the team’s spirit and improving trust, work-life balance, stress management, and motivation. Remember: sustainable change is about creating an environment where everyone thrives amidst all the needed changes. This change is freakin’ necessary – embrace it or get left behind.

Session Language
Digital TransformationCorporateSustainability
All SessionsCenter Stage

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