How to grow your sales with Artificial Intelligence

How to grow your sales with Artificial Intelligence

Only 95 seats left
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 3:10 PM to 3:40 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Roundtable will open Tuesday, September 7, 2021 3:05 PM
Breakout Session
This roundtable has ended.


Are you already planning to use AI for your sales process? Would you like to increase your sales and know more about your customers’ satisfaction? If so, we will provide you examples and     suggestions how to successfully implement AI in your business to increase your customers’ involvement.   

Session Language
BAYOONET AGMinimal Viable Products (MVPs) at a fixed price We call our offerings Quickstarters because Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) at a fixed price can be a fast and low-risk solution for your projects. With the help of a fixed price MVP, you will receive important feedback from your customers at the earliest possible stage, which can determine your subsequent success. Contrary to all prejudices, MVPs are not prototypes, but fully functional products. This means that they are not just developed for demo purposes and then receive no further attention; rather, their concept is the basis for further development phases. In a nutshell: In the best case scenario, your MVP will also become a Minimal Lovable Product (MLP). We, the team of Custom Interactions and BAYOOTEC, would like to implement this together with you. ---- Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) zum Festpreis Wir nennen unsere Angebote Quickstarter, weil Minimal Viable Products (MVPs) zum Festpreis eine schnelle und risikoarme Lösung für Deine Projekte sein können. Mithilfe von einem MVP zum Festpreis erhältst Du frühestmöglich das wichtige Feedback Deiner Kund:innen, was demzufolge über den späteren Erfolg entscheiden kann. Entgegen aller Vorurteile sind MVPs keine Prototypen, sondern voll einsatzfähige Produkte. Das heißt, sie werden nicht nur für Demozwecke entwickelt und finden dann nicht weiter Beachtung, vielmehr ist ihr Konzept die Grundlage für weitere Entwicklungsphasen. Kurzum: Im besten Fall wird dein MVP auch zum Minimal Lovable Product (MLP). Das möchten wir, das Team von Custom Interactions und BAYOOTEC, gerne gemeinsam mit Dir umsetzen.

Registered attendees

Ekaterina Ruzhekova
Ekaterina Ruzhekova

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