It's (NOT) All About the Money - How to unlock the full potential of your online store

It's (NOT) All About the Money - How to unlock the full potential of your online store



Do you notice how your advertising spend is reaching new records while your profitability continues to suffer? Have you ever wondered why 97% of your visitors don't convert to customers and what you can do about it? While physical stores often enjoy a conversion rate of around 30%, online retailers struggle to break the 5% mark.

Learn how you can unlock the potential with and without the use of AI and why this is essential for your long-term success and survival in the market.

This presentation will introduce the importance of efficiency over mere effectiveness and show that more turnover does not necessarily result from higher advertising spend. Instead, you will learn how experimentation in your online store can significantly increase conversion rates for the same advertising budget.

We will look at consumer psychology, user experience, A/B testing and personalization and provide actionable insights. Learn how improving the experience leads to higher conversion rates and sustainable profitability.

Session Language
PersonalizationConversion Rate Optimization (CRO)E-Commerce
All SessionsMC 7B
Kameleoon GmbH Hall 7.1 C027experiment your way. Kameleoon ist eine Plattform für A/B-Testing, Feature Experimentation,(KI-)Personalisierung und Product Recommendations. Unser Team unterstützt Unternehmen aller Branchen dabei, außergewöhnliche User Experiences zu erstellen, um Kunden langfristig zu binden und durch die Steigerung von Engagement und Conversion Rates das exponentielle Wachstum der Online-Umsätze anzukurbeln. Auf einer einzigen Plattform können unsere Kunden alle Features für A/B-Testing und Personalisierung nutzen. Durch unseren Feature Experimentation Service arbeiten Conversion-Optimierungsteams gemeinsam, sowohl client- als auch serverseitig im Hybrid-Modus und genießen alle Vorteile unserer Features. Kameleoon's Künstliche Intelligenz verarbeitet Daten in Echtzeit und kann daraus unmittelbar das User-Verhalten analysieren und die User Journey in Realtime optimieren. Unsere Kunden erreichen mit uns    15 % Conversion Steigerung               291 % Return on Investment               30 % Cross Sell Verbesserung Vereinbaren Sie jetzt einen Termin mit uns! ---------------------------------------- Kameleoon is an A/B testing, feature experimentation, (AI) personalization and product recommendation platform. Our team helps companies across all industries create exceptional user experiences to engage customers for the long term and drive exponential growth in online revenue by increasing engagement and conversion rates. On a single platform, our customers can leverage all features for A/B testing and personalization. Through our feature experimentation service, conversion optimization teams work together, both client-side and server-side in hybrid mode and enjoy all the benefits of our features. Kameleoon's Artificial Intelligence processes data in real time and can immediately analyze user behavior from it and optimize the user journey in real time. Our customers achieve with us: 15 % conversion increase               291 % return on investment               30 % cross sell improvement