IT Projectmanager (m/f/d) for Website and Migration

IT Projectmanager (m/f/d) for Website and Migration



YOUR TASKS. You will support and advise our clients on data-driven, digital lead generation campaigns by showing them how to make the most of the HubSpot platform You will support and advise our clients on digitizing lead and opportunity management You support and advise our customers in implementing DSGVO concepts in marketing and sales Working independently in CRM and marketing automation projects, predominantly based on HubSpot (e.g. analysis, conception, implementation, definition of integration scenarios) Analysis and solution of customer challenges and requests Conducting customer workshops for needs analysis (scope) and solution finding Participation in the development of processes, workflows and technical solutions Translating customer requirements into processes and data flows Mapping of target processes on the HubSpot platform Consulting and training our customers for HubSpot applications (Sales Hub, Marketing Hub, Service Hub)
Years of Experience
1 - 3 years
CRM & CEMSaaS & PaaS
Nürnberg / Regensburg / Remote
Remote position available
How to apply?
TRIALTA GmbH Hall 6.1 D044Das 2011 gegründete HubSpot Beratungs- und Implementierungshaus TRIALTA zählt zu den erfolgreichsten und erfahrensten HubSpot-Partnern im DACH-Raum. TRIALTA unterstützt seine Kunden bei der Implementierung von HubSpot CRM und legt den Fokus dabei auf die Optimierung von Marketing-, Vertriebs, und Service-Prozessen. Durch langjährige Erfahrung aus über 120 erfolgreich realisierten HubSpot Projekten und starke Kundenorientierung agiert TRIALTA für seine Kunden als Sparringspartner. Zu den Kunden zählen mittelständische und große Unternehmen im B2B-Beriech aus den Branchen Software-Hersteller & Dienstleister, Professional Service Provider und Industrie. TRIALTA berät und unterstützt Sie u.a. bei diesen Themen: CRM-Implementierung Datenmigration Change Management Integration in bestehende System- und Prozesslandschaft Schnittstellen Automatisierung & Einsatz von KI Prozessoptimierung für Marketing, Sales und Service Treffen Sie uns am HubSpot-Stand auf eine Tasse (guten!) Kaffee und lassen Sie uns herausfinden, wie wir Ihr Unternehmen am besten unterstützen können! ---- Founded in 2011, the HubSpot consulting and implementation company TRIALTA is one of the most successful and experienced HubSpot partners in the DACH region. TRIALTA supports its customers in the implementation of HubSpot CRM and focuses on the optimization of marketing, sales and service processes. With many years of experience from over 120 successfully implemented HubSpot projects and a strong customer focus, TRIALTA acts as a sparring partner for its customers. Customers include medium-sized and large companies in the B2B sector from the software manufacturer & service provider, professional service provider and industry sectors. TRIALTA advises and supports you on these topics, among others: CRM implementation Data migration Change management Integration into existing system and process landscape Interfaces Automation & use of KI Process optimization for marketing, sales and service Meet us at the HubSpot stand for a cup of (good!) coffee and let's find out how we can best support your company!